Shower or two, 19° - 26°

Tides - 2:42am - 0.50m | 9:11am - 1.84m | 3:48pm - 0.34m | 9:45pm - 1.41m |

Swell - 06:00 1.2m E, 10" | 12:00 1.4m E, 10" | 18:00 1.5m E, 8"

Killcare SLSC

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Thanks to our Club sponsors
Belle Property Killcare Wamberal

Belle Property Killcare

Major Sponsor

Ph: 4360 1717

Tony Newton, Solicitor

Newtons Law

Legal Counsel

Killcare Beach Kiosk

Killcare Beach Kiosk


Ph: 4360 1330

Girra Girra Aboriginal Experiences

Girra Girra Aboriginal Experiences


Ph: 0434 413 643

5 Star Swim School

5 Star Swim School


Ph: 02 4368 2422

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