Morning shower or two, 18° - 25°

Tides - 4:56am - 1.48m | 11:50am - 0.73m | 5:26pm - 1.14m | 11:02pm - 0.71m |

Swell - 06:00 1.4m SSE, 8" | 12:00 1.5m SE, 8" | 18:00 2.1m SSE, 7"

Under 11's

U/11 Nippers - Surf Safe 2

Preliminary Evaluation

Swim Distance: 50m (freestyle) Survival Float: 2 minutes


Topic Learning Outcome
Introduction to Surf Life Saving
Lesson: Welcome to the family!
Develop and understanding of surf life saving in Australia Identify the surf club as a welcoming place
Personal Safety
Lesson: Persistence pays upset or bullied
Identify the actions they can take when feeling frightened, lost
Recognise the importance of persisting when needing help
Lesson: Energy Conservation
Recognise the difference between renewable and non-renewable energy generation
Identify ways in which electricity usage can be reduced in the surf club
Surf Conditions and Hazards
Lesson: Risky business, dangerous situations
Recognise ‘at risk’ people in a beach environment
Identify actions that can be taken to help ‘at risk’ people avoid
First Aid
Lesson: Here to help
Identify the principles of DRSABCD
Recognise and manage patients suffering from cuts and abrasions, bleeding from the nose, sprained muscle ligaments and sunburn
Lesson: The breath of life
Perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) techniques
Signs and Signals
Lesson: Sign language
Recognise the importance of beach safety signage Identify and understand safety signage on their beach
Board: Entering and Exiting the Surf
Lesson: Up and out
Attempt or perform a dismount from a nipper board
Board: Catching Waves
Lesson: The easy way in
Attempt or perform catching a wave on a nipper board
Board: Board Relay
Lesson: Never board in a team
Attempt or perform a board relay race
Swim: Negotiating the Surf
Lesson: I’m a fish!
Understand the techniques of surf swimming
Demonstrate an ability to swim through surf, parallel to surf and back to shore
Beach Sprint: Starts and Finishes
Lesson: Up and at em’
Attempt or perform a crouching beach sprint start Attempt or perform a beach sprint finish
Multi Discipline: Transitions
Lesson: Round we go
Attempt or perform an ironman/woman race transitions Attempt or perform cameron relay race transitions

^ A Resuscitation Certificate is available for Resuscitation if delivered by a qualified trainer and participant meets qualification assessment standards.