Shower or two, 19° - 26°

Tides - 2:42am - 0.50m | 9:11am - 1.84m | 3:48pm - 0.34m | 9:45pm - 1.41m |

Swell - 06:00 1.2m E, 10" | 12:00 1.4m E, 10" | 18:00 1.5m E, 8"

Age Managers

Become an Age Manager!

Nippers is entirely run by volunteers, and the most important ones are your Age Managers. The Age Managers only have the best interests of your kids at heart, and their aim is to ensure they have fun while learning essential skills, getting fit and competing in the most sportsman-like manner.

The Age Managers must be respected by nippers and parents alike and as such, physical or verbal behaviour that is not in the spirit of nippers will not be tolerated.

We always need more Age Managers! If you’re interested, the requirements are minimal...




If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact The Director of Junior Activities. (Email is preferred unless it’s something urgent).

Kristian Peacocke
0421 179 650