Morning shower or two, 18° - 25°

Tides - 4:56am - 1.48m | 11:50am - 0.73m | 5:26pm - 1.14m | 11:02pm - 0.71m |

Swell - 06:00 1.4m SSE, 8" | 12:00 1.5m SE, 8" | 18:00 2.1m SSE, 7"

Safeguarding Children & Young People

Our Committment to the Protection of Young People

At Killcare Nippers and throughout Surf Life Saving, all young people have the absolute right to...


Feel Comfortable,
Feel Safe, &
Be Cared For

Everyone at Killcare SLSC is committed to the emotional and physical security and safety of our young members.

Our key messages to our young members are;

It is NOT OK for anyone to hurt your feelings or your body.

It IS OK for you to say NO if someone, even in a position of authority such as an Age Manager or Lifesaver asks you to do something that makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable.

We will listen to you and act to help you. It’s always OK to tell an adult or official if something doesn’t feel right.


What is the Safeguarding Children and Young People Program?

The Safeguarding Children and Young People Program assists Surf Life Saving (SLS) in our commitment to the protection of children from abuse, harm and exploitation.

The program builds the capacity of SLS to protect our children and young people by providing resources and education to support clubs to provide a safe environment for all members. We work toward the Australian Sports Commission Child Safe standards through the development and implementation of the following key strategies:

The Safeguarding Children and Young People Program is underwritten by the Surf Life Saving Australia Member Protection Policy (MPP).