Showers, 13° - 20°

Tides - 3:06am - 0.32m | 9:06am - 1.51m | 2:47pm - 0.51m | 9:17pm - 2.01m |

Swell - 06:00 1.2m SE, 8" | 12:00 1.2m SE, 8" | 18:00 1.1m ESE, 8"

A Torrid Sunday Morning

Just as we were sending the Nippers down to the beach on Sunday morning, word came up that patrol was dealing with a potentially serious spinal injury.  With the patient reporting no feeling in his legs, the situation was not looking good.  With the road ambulances 'significantly delayed', the Careflight chopper was dispatched to pick up the patient.

Some truly impressive flying landed the helicopter on the grassed area next to the main car park.

A huge congrats to Patrol 1 under Club President Pete Bagnall who dealt with the incident in a textbook manner.  And it was a baptism of fire for Tristan Edema who was 15 minutes into his first ever patrol and was first on the scene.  Spinal injuries are potentially catastrophic and require the utmost calm under incredible pressure to deal with as successfully as possible.   Complicated by the patient's wife being understandably distressed and hyperventilating, the patrol team did an incredible job with a complex and high stakes operation.    Thanks also to the Club's Honorary Doctor, Dr. Jane Shapiro, who happened to be on the beach and whose help and advice was invaluable.

A big shout out too to the Rookies who Duty Officer Dave Sneddon set to work on traffic and crowd control.  They stepped up and played an important role in ensuring a smooth and quick evacuation.

D.O. Dave received this email from the Careflight crew that afternoon...


Please pass on our thanks to the patrol team and rookies with all their assistance this morning. They did an excellent job with crowd control and care for the patient. It was very much appreciated by our team.

Again awesome job and thanks to yourself and the patrol team


Kurt Pride

AirCrew Officer


High praise from the pros!

With the airlift completed and on their way it was back to business with a horde of stings and a head wound - a very busy morning. 

Word in this morning is that the patient has a long road of recovery and rehab ahead, but thanks in no small part to the initial care from the patrol, he will walk out of hospital.

Well done to everyone involved.  This is why we do what we do and we're proud of every one of you.